Tuesday 2 June 2015

Gary & Arnies 69k trek - Worst cold I can remember having


Have just had the worst cold I can remember having.  Started last week with razor blade type cough which then went to my chest. Them a runny cold started with a continual headache.  The most continual sleep I managed was about an hour as i was either getting up to cough to the extent of almost throwing up or blow my nose and then deal with the nose bleed that accompanied it.  I lost count of how many nose bleeds i had.

Yesterday Monday was the worst day every time i got up i wanted to lie down again and every time i lay down I wanted to get up again, due to coughing, runny nose etc, it was a nightmare.  My eyes were stinging and all I wanted to do was get a couple or hours sleep.  Didn't eat anything all day but managed some soup in the evening.

Monday night was a bit better on the runny nose front but I then had uncontrollable shivering followed by sweating bought all through the night.  I think that might have broken it.

This morning (Tuesday) things are slightly better. Have managed to sleep a bit, so that helps and I can actually breathe through my nose and coughing less.  Still got the headache though and pills dont seem to touch it.

Hopefully its going and doesn't come back, as its now 13 days to our trek.

Probably foolishly but attempted to return to work on Thursday but a coughing fit en-route put paid to that and to make matters worse when I got back on the bike the rear tyre was flat. Deep joy, limped very slowly to two garages and failed to get any air in tyre so had to ride it home 5 miles with the rear tyre flat.  Back to bed again after that little lot and woke up in the afternoon.

[update 06/06/15]
Well its Saturday and still feeling wiped out, still got headache but I think the cold is gone just left with blocked sinuses.

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