Friday, 19 June 2015

Gary and Arnies 69k trek - day 3 c

Look out Stn to Kimmeridge

Another sunny start to the day, this heat is killing us. We have a dilemma this morning as we are out of water. No way we can make kimmeridge without water so initially thought I'd have to backtrack 1.5 miles to Worth Matravers to get water. Luckily I decided to stop in at the look out station and beg some water there was a water bowl outside and arnie drank loads. In the meantime one of the guys said drop your pack and come in for a coffee. Gave me a giant bottle of water so was able to fill hydration pack. I made a donation of a fiver in their box as they saved us a lot of wasted walking....
Stopped and had very interest conversation with the lookout guys as they explained how they logged all boats passing , sail number, name if they could see it , number of people they could see and heading.  If a vessel doesn't make it's destination port then the look out station can report it's position and heading meaning they can reduce the search area. Finally left them at about 10ish I suppose, had a quick look at St Aldhelm chapel before continuing on along the cliff top path.

I guess it's near Emmetts hill or just before, that the dreaded steps start 150 down and 150 up, some steps are just more than a comfortable step, just to make it interesting. These hurt big time I could manage about 3 to 5 at at time and then had to stop for a rest, wait for the pain to subside and then carry on. Going down was actually worse, I think, as right ankle wouldn't take the weight when stepping down had to use just one leg all the way down. Every sinue was screaming by the time we reached the bottom and then it's up again another 150 steps. But at least I can alternate legs going up. Arnie just runs on 20 steps finds a shady spots, lays down and laughs at me struggling up the steps.

Finally made the top and we walked on up a gradual slope until we found a stone bench at the top of Chapman's pool.  I gave Arnie water and hand fed him as he wouldn't eat. Then made a ration x all day day breakfast. Probably the best tasting breakfast I've ever had in the most beautiful setting (Below).  A sobering fact though was the coast line disappearing away into the distance where Weymouth our destination lies.

From there the SWCP starts going down and cuts inland about 3/4s of a kilometer through some farmland and some very surly looking cows that didn't seem best pleased to see arnie. We then loop back towards hound tout cliff and another set of killer steps.

Not sure how I made it up these but arnie egging me on by whining from about 20 steps up got me up them somehow. Used a lot of water on both sets of steps so now we're running low again.
Can't really remember much else about this stretch so will update when I can look at pictures to refresh my memory.
We got to kimmeridge bay and its clavell tower around 1630 in the afternoon. There is another set of steep steps leading down into kimmeridge from clavell tower.  Finally reached the toilets at kimmeridge and we set down by the water tap . Arnie drank loads and I refilled hydration pack not knowing where we would camp that night. I made use of the toilet facilities and then knocked us up some food and made my 1st cup of coffee.

Hadn't been able to attempt a coffee due to lack of water anyway, using a ration self heater (these cost £1) fill a zip plastic bag up with 1 mug of water. Take the white heater bit out of ration heater and put water in to fill line (40ml) , put water in zip bag in ration bag, then slide the white heater bit down side, turn the top over a few times and agitate to ensure white heater bit gets soaked in water then put down leaning against something within 30secs heater will activate and start steaming , this heats the water in the zip bag and hey presto hot water for coffee ... OK it wasn't boiling but it was hot enough to make coffee to which I added a little miniature whiskey to celebrate the half way point.

I got chatting to a lady who had been board paddling to try and find out where I might be able to pitch a tent.  Was advised that I didnt stand a chance at Kimmeridge as it was patrolled.  I decided that the only real option was to go back on the cliff path.  That meant climbing a set of steps that i really wasn't looking forward too.  Got backpack on and tried to get Arnie up and he collapsed on me.  I try again with a bit of encouragement and he can barely walk and pulls straight back to the grass and lays down..... Oh Shite.

So I phone the wife and say "Ive got a problem" and as luck would have it she had been told about a dog friendly pub at West Lulworth call the castle our problem is do they have a room and how can we get there.

I was still talking to the Wife saying can you give the Castle a call and ask if I can put the tent up in their garden, Ill pay them, if the havnt got a room. An elderly couple came back and said "excuse me but we couldnt help overhearing your conversation, do you need a lift somewhere.  I was almost as done in as Arnie and I have to say I was nearly in tears over this turn of events so quickly accepted their kind offer.  As soon as Arnie realised there was a car boot on offer he somehow found the strenght to jump in the back, with a bit of help from me. Hmmm.

They took us all the way to the Castle at West Lulworth and wouldnt accept any petrol money, telling me to donate it to the charity, which I will do, thank you Kate and Roy (I hope ive got the ladies name right).

The pub is very dog friendly but Arnie was doing nothing apart from stretching out on the bed and sleeping.  I had a quick shower and headed downstairs to sample a few of the 50 ciders on offer.  Not too many though as still got to try and continue walk in morning, if Arnie can make it.

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